14 April, 2013

Totoro finger puppet giveaway

Hi all..So sorry for the long hiatus.
A lot of things going on, and I've totally neglected this blog :(
This is my first post in 2013, and it's already April!..Time flies too fast!!

I'll make it up for you with a little giveaway! yayy.. :D
You just need to follow these steps: 

1. Make a creative title from the photo above
2. Put your answer on the comment area. 
Also, include your email address, so I can contact you.
3. I'm not gonna force you to follow or like my blog :) But a little help to spread this giveaway, will be sooo great! :D You can tweet, share on instagram/ facebook/ blog/ pinterest. Anything you can think of! And don't forget to mention @desaboneka or use hashtag #desaboneka (instagram).

This giveaway is open to everyone. The most interesting answer will get this new series of finger puppet, Totoro and friends! This giveaway will end on May 15, 2013.

Good luck! :D

contact me for more information here:
email: desaboneka@gmail.com
ym: desaboneka


Kartika Widya Rani said...

Ikutan yaa.. :)

judul foto: To the forest we go!

twitter: @teachew
email: tiycheque@gmail.com

Wish me luck.. 0;D

Afifah Nur said...

Judul: "Can we go out from the forest and meet the human?"


Nindya Karlina said...


"The Avenger,Defenders of Desa Boneka"

sidebar blog : www.captainninds.blogspot.com

pinterest : Nindya karlina


silviaanugrah said...

Judul : "Are We There Yet?"

twitter : @silviaanugrah
email : anugrahdewanti@gmail.com

Unknown said...

ikutan yaa.. :)

judul foto: Let's sight seeing!!

twitter: @magdalenaStak
email : simanjuntak.magdalena@yahoo.co.id

Wish me luck..

Unknown said...

Judul : " let us adventurous wild-free"

twitter : @minityc
email : tisyaanif@yahoo.com

etaita said...

We are Desa Boneka's Troopers


meity m. yogaswara said...

judul foto: where do we go from here?

twitter: @meity_yogas, @mayuwcraft
email: meity.yogas@gmail.com

Unknown said...


title : persue of happiness and love, a place we can called HOME.

email : sahlaqoriraamalia@ymail.com

aku share di blog ya... qorirahandmade.blogspot.com

NISA--Fatimah Khoirunnisaa' said...

judul: What Are We?
twitter : @CrazyFlanel CF
thanks for giveaway! :D

Vanisa Desfriani said...

hai kak, aku vanisa ^^ ikutan ya..

friends with benefit a smile :))

gfc : vanisa desfriani
twitter : @ishavanisa
fb : vanisa desfriani
email : ishavanisadesfriani@gmail.com

makasih ya, sukses selalu :)

Citra said...

hmm..bingung juga milih judulnya
gimana kalau : "Waiting for Mei"

Mei adalah tokoh anak perempuan paling imut yg ada di film Totoro. Dia juga tokoh favoritku & anak2, (selain bus kucing, tentu saja)

semoga menang kali ini (amiin)

email: mama.rafif@gmail.com

Yuandini Ariefka said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yuandini Ariefka said...

hi mba, q dini...
aku pecinta dan hobi amigurumi juga nie...
ikutan GAnya ya mba..

judul foto:
Family: Love, Hug n Peace

mba, q share di blog q ya...
bisa dicek disini http://buet-jaroe.blogspot.com/2013/04/giveaway-april-2013.html
email ku : yuan.nini88@yahoo.com

moga hadiahnya mampir ke rumah q, amiiiin :)

Artha Amalia said...

"Kelinci Benci Sepi"

GFC Arga Litha
twitter @ArthaAmalia
Facebook Tha Artha

Artha Amalia said...

share di:

-blog http://linkgiveaway.blogspot.com/2013/04/totoro-finger-puppet-giveaway.html

-twit https://mobile.twitter.com/ArthaAmalia/status/324967344642351105?p=p

-FB http://www.facebook.com/tha.artha.9/posts/512666398795579

terima kasih :) sukses selalu yaaa. Cincinya imuuut :*

Istiqomah Ps said...

ikut yah ^^
judulnya gimana kalo "The Journey Start From Here"

imel aq : istiq_ps2008@yahoo.com

aq udah bagi di

twitter : https://twitter.com/chemistiq/status/325105830112407552

fb :https://www.facebook.com/istiqcraft/posts/483399918394879

Rifka DP said...

IKutan yaaaa :)

Judul : Let's Adventure Together, My Puppet Friend !

Fb : Rifka DP
email : fika.rifka@gmail.com


Ayuni Adesty said...

Judul Foto: "Little Rabbits Under The Tree"

FB: https://www.facebook.com/ayuni.adesty/posts/366610656790385

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ayuniadesty/status/325282802000084992

Twitter @ayuniadesty
email: ayuniadesty@yahoo.com

Intan Novriza Kamala Sari said...

Aku ikutan ya :D

Judul : "Lost in Loneliness Forest"

Email : intankamala@gmail.com
Twitter : @inokari_
Facebook : Intan Novriza Kamala Sari
GFC : Intan Novriza KS

Aku share di Facebook ya. Sukses GA-nya :)

Unknown said...

i'm join.. :D
judul : "adventure"

email : novitasarialifah@gmail.com
twitter :@nengvitha_
fb : neng vitha d'smile
blog : nengvithablogspot.com
wish me luck :)

Unknown said...

ikutan ya :D

Judul : "we together are winner in the forrest"

Email : emiliafitriani3@gmail.com
Twitter : @12emli_
Facebook : emilia fitriani
blogg : emiliakarya.blogspot.com

Feyaa Ce said...

Hola kakak
ikutan yaaa

Judul : Dunia mungil

Email : egizha@gmail.com
twitter : @vastanti
fab : Vera Astanti
Blog : http://veraastanti.blogspot.com/

Hujan said...

Rab da Rob : Wild Tree Terminal Edition..

Rab : Rabbits
Rob : Robbot
abis kelincinya pasang ekspresi datar kaya robot terus kalo dibayangin bukan lompat-lompat malah jalannya kayak robot.. hehe
Wild Tree Terminal : emm itu bunny nya pada berdiri berjejer kayak nungguin bus kota.. hihi

twit : @dorefa8
email : donnaresfina_982yahoo.com

DK Wardhani (Dini) said...

mau ikut juga

Judul fot: Come Out and Play!

twitter : capungmunil
imel : dkwardhani@yahoo.com

share di fb dan twwiter

Unknown said...

Totoroooo >.<

Title : Another Human Has Come! Brace Yourself Guys
email : chinastuhikarigmail.com

Well, I like to know how to make those cute guys..aaa to..to..ro >.<

Unknown said...

Title : Thousand Miles Journey, Start from A Single Step!
Email : renata.khun1@gmail.com

Ratih Sari said...

i'm in,, :)

judulnya: "We are ready to conquer the world"
[jadi inget film Pinky and The Brain ehehehe,,]

udah share di twitter @sarie_asimetris
email: ratihpadmasari@gmail.com


Adinda Indah said...

Ikutan ya...
biar bisa dibuat mainan, buat calon bayiku inih yang di kandungan..

judulnya : Let's dance your finger with totoro :D

email : enjelswing@gmail.com

Wita Rosmalia said...

halo mbak;) join yaa
answer: trapped in jungleland
gfc : Wita Rosmalia
twitter : @witrs
email : witaunyuu@gmail.com

udah dishare di



terimakasih, sukses selalu:)

Inayah Decky said...

judul foto: it's time to start the change

email :pulung69@gmail.com
wish me luck =D

Unknown said...

Judul foto :"Don't know where to go without satsuke"
Udah share yaa^^

Twitter: Lca_khairunnisa
Email : khairunnisaicha30@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

ijin ikutan y min ^-^

judul foto:

Born from fingers, five totoro will bring a happiness!!!

twitter: @nanaskuning
email: nanaskuning@rocketmail.com

Badakbohay said...

Ommoo... sepertinya saya salah posting komen deeehh *sangat eswete*
untungnya disek lagiih, huhfth!! so, ini jawaban sayah :

1. Puppy Family : We are Across The World
2. kiyoshiro_y@yahoo.com
thanks, dan semoga tambah sukses :)

Unknown said...

ikuuuuuuuut :)

Judul : "Mari Selamatkan Hutan"
coz aq liat para boneka pada bingung ngeliatin pemandangan didepan mereka.mungkin yang mereka lihat adalah pohon-pohon yang ditebang oleh orang-orang yang tak bertanggungjawab. owhhh

email : namora.hikari2911@gmail.com

Muhammad Rifqi Saifudin said...

Judul: "We Are Desa Boneka's Troops"


cara mengobati kelenjar tiroid said...

wah udah deadline ya

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