It's time for the winner announcement!
The winner of this giveaway is:
"Waiting for Mei"
I pick her because with a simple title, she sure knowing Totoro by heart.
So I believe she will love and take care my Totoro :)
Thank you all for the participation! :)
eh, beneran nih? menang?
serasa ga percaya >_<
alhamduliLLAH, benar2 kejutan yg menyenangkan di pertengahan tahun
Terima kasih banyak ya Mba *hugs*
anak-anakku pasti seneng banget deh lihat boneka jari Totoro
They always imagine how's the real look of Totoro, especially its chubby belly *_*
selamat, mbak Citra ^.^
wah selamat ya ikut berbahagia
menerima jasa pembuatan boneka jg ya mbak?
keren blog nya, ikut promo yaaa :)
mencari busana muslim sarimbit untuk keluarga? disini tempat nya
menerima juga sistim dropship dan agen member :)
bonekanya bagus
jual boneka besar
pengen beli
jual boneka besar
trimakasih infonya,,
sangat bermanfaat,,
selamat ya mba, tetap semangat
trimakasih atas informasinya sangat membantu thank your artikel very full help me thanx for author
signature : mesin kangen water
Nonton Movie Gratis Subtitle Indonesia update setiap hari? hanya disini tempatnya
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