Hello everyone!!
I've been busy with my design job, making orders, making new series…
but, like my friend said "better stress due to lot of work to do,
rather than getting stressful because there's nothing left
that you can do"..(credit goes to Fredy the kampret) and I love my job..so..I'm glad :)
but, like my friend said "better stress due to lot of work to do,
rather than getting stressful because there's nothing left
that you can do"..(credit goes to Fredy the kampret) and I love my job..so..I'm glad :)
Anyway, christmas is near! and I've prepared a little something to boost up the christmas
and holiday spirit for you! Yayyy…it's Christmas Series!
Let's meet:
Rudolph the red nose reindeer
Gingerbread man
Christmas tree
and Snowman!
It will be a perfect X-mas gift for your kids.
You can use it as tree ornament, bookmark, accessories,
mobile phone hanger, and brooch.
May they all brings some joyful, and smile in your face :)
"Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do for others is good you do yourself"
~Norman Wesley Brooks, "Let Every Day Be Christmas," 1976
contact me for more information here:
email: desaboneka@gmail.com
ym: desaboneka
whatsapp: 0813 800 95047
bagus bangetttt desa bonekaaa :] love it so much! how much?
cakep banget nih. sungguh!
super cute! :)
koleksi bonekanya lucu juga ya ternyata. haha :D
ya ampun.... lucunya u.u
tengkyu all :*
wow... boneka yang unik dan lucu....
nice for desa boneka
Toko Online Boneka
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